
onsdag 27. april 2011

Mendeley for iPad og notering

Har lenge skullet teste Mendeley.

Mendeley lar deg organisere og lagre PDfer på tvers av plattformer, i tillegg til at du kan notere i dem. Kanskje en mulig løsning på PDF'er i mange forskjellige app'er-problemet til iPad?

Fra Mendeleys hjemmeside:

Manage & annotate research papers

Research paper organization and PDF management made easy. Sort, tag, rename, search and annotate your PDF document collection.
Got a folder full of PDFs? Let Mendeley organize your research paper collection and boost your academic productivity. Organize, search, read, and annotate papers in a single, intuitive interface!

PDF Annotation: Read, annotate and share your research papers and notes

Stay on top of your reading, take notes in PDFs, and share them with colleagues.
  • Multi-tab PDF viewer: Open multiple PDFs in separate tabs within Mendeley Desktop, and quickly switch between them and your research paper library.
  • PDF sticky notes and text marker: Capture comments and ideas in yellow sticky notes within the PDF, and highlight important passages with a text marker.
  • Collaborative annotation & notes sharing: Share your virtual sticky notes with colleagues anywhere in the world – perfect for research collaboration and journal clubs!
  • Read/unread & favorites: Quickly mark papers as “read” or “unread” to stay on top of your reading, and “star” papers to mark your favorites.

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